Saturday, July 14, 2007

tribute to Iman


140707. I shall never forget this day,ever,as of today,the introvert me has turned into a blogger?heh. and it is all thanx to my classmate,schoolmate,roommate,my 'telepathic comrade' and my alarm clock in the mornings of IB--Nurul Iman Jamalul-lail. (p/s:oi Iman,bangun,it's noon!) ;p. this friend of mine is a bit scary as I may put it,as she KNOWS things a little too early before I blurt it out. is my body language too readable? woo. "geez Iman, stop venturing into my brain!..ure tresspassing!"..heh. with just a few batting eyelashes+cheeky smiles, Iman will go on saying things like,"ha m0n, awak nak ape?" or "amek la, ade dalam kotak (biskut lexus)," or the most famous one,"awak nak suroh kejut pukul brape?" hehe. I'm such a bully. no point doubting.

this is the list of my favourite bully targets:
1.cats (encem a.k.a miss kurr,dodo & bebeh)

"dats her all rite!"

wahahah! (evil-like)..urm. as I am the only daughter in my family (and Iman the only daughter in hers),I guess it made me feel like we're sisters *shweeet* hehe..tho I dont look like Aiman who has so much resemblance to Iman compared to me...hehe. the eyelashes, the handwriting, the face...omg. "both of you are twins!" dah la name diorang aiman & iman. whaaa?

then again, Iman & I are totally 2 different persons. she is everything that I am not. love kids,lemah lembut,suke beralah and most important--ske nangis. wuaaa! hehe. Iman is truly compassionate and it is sooo obvious you don't hafta think twice before confirming it. (okay Iman, berentila mengembang) wahaha..hurm. dodo the cat is calling. hafta make a run to bully her. yeeehhaaaaa~

to be bullied...


imaaaanj said...

just got home..and i excitedly bukak my laptop and trus type ur url..tadaa~!!no wonder i got so hyper..a tribute for mee??? i was reading thru, i soo0o0o couldnt hold my laugh and i was laughing out loud ok!my bro was all.."hoih!" ehehe..sumimasen! :p anyway, this is so0o0o c0o0ol ok mon!i like ur words and i like ur language as my type!kuang3!! so i hereby declare that i will be ur no 1 fan [again]..haha..keep it up, u introvert-slowly-turning-extrovert! kui3!!!ja ne! (^^)

imaaaanj said...

by the way mon..letak la shoutbox! i nak mencapub!!popular sanguine la katekan..muahahaha!! :p

Mysara said...

makwan...!!! welcome to the club..haih.bertambah laa ahli bloggers cum block E members.haha.i link ur blog k? nway,juniors pon slalu tanye "kak iman ngan kak-makwan tue kembar ke?"
kekadang tue kite mengiyakan je.huhu

imaaaanj said...

ahaha..mai! awk mengiyakan?? kuang3!! thats funny orite. haha (^^)

shazea said...

ahahha! same ke? mane ade laaa mai..awk tak tgk aiman tuh lagi..scarryyy!!!

Mysara said...

nak tau satu cte x? kan kite jual topup kn.pastu aritu kite dok study kat commonroom pastu nanie pon ade skali.pastu ade jr dtg nk beli topup,die tgk kite ngan nanie,pastu tanye kitrg kembar ke? kitrg pon mengiyakan je [maleh nak layan].pastu die percaye!!! die btau kwn2 die,pastu nak dijdkan cte,die btau jr usrah kite.pastu jr tu pon tanye kat kite,nak confirmation..haha.lawak tol.
eh,x bess lak cte kat comment page nie.huhu

sori makwan..terstorytelling kat sini

Mysara said...

makwan..kite ade jumpe satu skin yg maybe awak akan suke.kalo awak online kat ym,kite tunjuk k :D

shazea said...

haha..tula.byk lak kembar kt kmb nehh..wakakakak.kalo mun ade lagi,jwbnye iman ,mun ngan kite kembar tige la..ahah!hehe..mmg pon.rupe korng ade iras.dah la same2 kecik...wheeee~! (x seda diri)hehe.yeahh? skin best? nyum2! nnt kite online yeahh!!!

imaaaanj said...

waahh..byknye kembar. haha. mai ngn nani?haa mmg korg ade rupe pon. hehe. [saje nyampuk :p]

.:An-Nur:. said...

salam.. heh

pe daa korg nih.. x de org lain ke.. nih la peminat-susah-nak-mati blog.. hehe..

yosh! since makwan dah de blog, kt lak nak kene hapdate blog kt.. mane leh jd kan makwan yg pemalas on9 pon dah start blogging.. kt yg slalu on9 mesti lg advance.. huhu okieslah.. teruskan usaha.. yosh!

fanabest said...

mon! haha..ish..aiman ni mmg ade kat mane je eh? sume blog org die ade! =P

imaaaanj said...

elelele dat~~
muahahaha!! :p

shazea said...

al...mak wan yg pmalas on9??rrau rauu!!heheh..betol dat.."aiman kan tak kesah"..=)

p/s:Iman,alalalaaaaa....(u know my

farah said...

mon a.k.a. introvert???? di manakah kesalahan itu???? saye tidaq faham~~!!!

shazea said...

ahahah! farah..betol.iman cakap..mule2 aku pon tak paham..pstuh, cam yer gak.ntah laaa.. aku pon konpius

imaaaanj said...

ahaha..sgtlah benar. fafau, utk pengetahuan awk, makwan xsuke berckp mcm kite nih. unless u start talking to her, she wont talk. not the normal day2day things. the pelik2 things. u haf to ask to know sumthing. i dunno bout others, but she does it to me! she wont talk. i guess thats how our telepathic connection started.mcm susah aje de nak bukak mulut kecik tuh. muahaha! [this is such a dongeng: mon, btol ke bende yg aku merepek neh? haha :p ]

shazea said...

ahahah!! betol la mom pon cakap cam tuh..susah bukak mulut.. mulut kecik??!!! ahahahha