Thursday, July 3, 2008

that darn cat chooses me

It was 3 am and I was about to doze off after a day of Dental Materials. *sigh,finally*
At about 5 am, I was awaken by small cries of “miao..miao..”
Though almost in total darkness, I can make out that that “awaking call” came from a feline at the end of my bed. What da?
My hand searched for the light switch on the wall on top of my head.
“click”.. the brightest source of light in my room was switched on.

“uh-oh”. That was it. It must have stirred some kind of an alert signal to that darn cat. The cat went berserk. You can imagine how animals are when they panic. And worse when they are actually considered to be tame (such as cats) but unfortunately it has double pairs of clawed-paw and a set of canines. It started to bang on everything it can in my toilet, trying to lift itself back into that small air vent hole where it came from. But, to no avail, that cat has proven itself to be fat? Haha. Half of its body was already in the air vent and half is still dangling. It is an amusing sight indeed. (I still laugh out loud when I recall how it looks like). Maybe the tail and its butt is a bit too heavy.

As I opened my door locks and let it outta my room, then reality falls. A funny smell came from the toilet and I instantly realized that is must have pissed sumwhere. But, luckily, it was in the toilet and it’s easy to clean. Phew!

As I returned into my room:

“Mar, luckily that cat just pissed and not ***”, I was really about to finish my sentence, when I saw it!!! Omg. On the bed (a second bed in my room). Loud and clear. The job was well done. And fgs, that darn cat had already pooped about 2 feet from where I laid my head and I did not realized!!! And I, as the victim of that darn cat, with the consent of my friends who are still wide awake at that time, have cut the mattress to clear off the mess, leaving a rectangular spot where you can see the yellow sponge inside. And I guess, if none of my friends have been with me that morning, I would have really gone crazy. Getting mad and superbly agitated at a "flea-infested-waking people up at 5am-and heavy tailed-well done” feline. Huh.

I spent about an hour cleaning up everything. Mopping the floor for 3 times with Lizol which I hope will really kill 99.9% germs as written on the bottle.
At about 7 am I dozed off.

Mar said that she thought I was already awake when she heard all those loud sounds of stuff falling and all, but instead, I was only awaken by that “miao” sound? Now, I know why I’m a successful late riser and do not respond to any kind of alarms and may I add; to 7 miscalls as well. It should have a cat sound to it.

Oh my.

Lesson to be learned, for me: do close that small air vent hole, close the toilet door before sleeping, and change my alarm signal to a “miao” sound. Hurm. I declare “cold war” with Kaveri’s cats today. Including “shashikala”, whatever that cat’s name is. Oh yeah, don't forget to throw away that soap, has cat scratches.